First up, set up abstract submission on MedAll.
Once you have some abstracts to mark you can start your marking process by:
1️⃣ Set up your mark schemes
2️⃣ Create one or multiple marking groups (e.g. a group of colleagues who are going to mark all the Respiratory abstracts, another group to mark all the Oncology abstracts and so on)
3️⃣ Add your colleagues who will be marking abstracts to a marking group
Click on the marking group to manage your invitations to markers
Click manage markers > manage invitations > invite new marker and add the email addresses of your markers:
4️⃣ Assign abstracts to marking groups
View all your submitted abstracts
Assign them to a marking group by clicking the check boxes beside each abstract and then selecting "assign to marking group" and choosing the group you want to assign the abstract(s) to:
5️⃣ Ready to start marking?
Click "Start marking process" and your markers will be invited to start marking 🚀
6️⃣ Invite the top performing abstracts to present as a poster or an oral presentation (or reject if they aren't appropriate for presentation).
Authors will be notified of the outcome of their abstract.
💡 Tip: Accepted poster abstracts will also be added to the poster section of your event. To use a digital poster hall at your conference, all you need to do is click Posters > send invitations and those authors will be invited to upload their poster. 🚀