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Resources on MedAll

This article will give you a overview of Community Resources

Dr Phil McElnay avatar
Written by Dr Phil McElnay
Updated over 10 months ago

Add a new resource

You can add resource items using the 'plus' button found on your community resources page. Only community administrators can add resources.


  • File (currently only PDFs)

  • Link

  • Page

  • Folder


To customise your resources using our library of images, look for the setting in the create/edit item dialogue.

Spotlight bar

The spotlight bar will be visible across the 'overview' and 'resource' pages of your community. You can promote content by pinning a resource item to this bar, look for the setting in the create/edit item dialogue.

The spotlight bar fits between 1 to 8 items.

You can pin members only items to the bar, and they will still only be visible to members only.


You can take your content with keywords to help users find this content, using the MedAll site search (depending on individual permissions).


Resources can be set to public, private, draft.


This content will be visible to everyone. However only logged in MedAll users will be able to download files, click links, or read Pages.


This content will only be visible to members of this community.


This content will only be visible to you and other administrators of this community.

Look out for the 'members only' label on any private item:


Please note that deleting a resource from your community is permanently. This action cannot be reversed – a deleted item cannot be restored and all details associated with the item will be lost.

Further articles:

Create a folder: Click here

Upload a file: Click here

Create a link: Click here

Create a Page: Click here

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