Members on MedAll is a great way to keep your members connected and engaged. By adding them to your MedAll organisation, you can easily share event information, updates, and other resources with them. You can also create members-only events and spaces where they can collaborate and share ideas.
➕ How do I add Members to my organisation?
✴️ Go to your organisation and click on 'Membership' on the left of your screen.
✴️ Click on 'Invitations'
✴️ Click on 'Invite new Members'
✴️ Now paste in your email addresses
✴️ And click on 'Send Invitations'
✴️ The members you invited will receive an email with a link to join your organisation. Once they have clicked on the link and accepted the invitation, they will be added to your organisation.
For further information, please contact [email protected]