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Following an organisation

If you are wondering what the benefits are for following an organisation this article is for you!

Dr Phil McElnay avatar
Written by Dr Phil McElnay
Updated over 11 months ago

With the introduction of 'follow' for an organisation or community, this allows you to never miss out on anything they are doing on MedAll


When an event is created every organisation is able to 'invite followers'. So once clicked you will receive an invite just like this one:

You can then click on view event and choose if you wish to attend or not.

Also, if you are online, you will see a notification like this one beside your bell icon

And you notifications will appear like this

Threads or resources

Similarly if they create a thread or add a resource, you will be notified.


Simply unfollow if you no longer wish to hear from them or you can change your notification settings in your profile.

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