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Event Q&A feature

This new feature will make Q&A in your event really easy

Dr Phil McElnay avatar
Written by Dr Phil McElnay
Updated over 12 months ago

With the introduction of our Question and Answer feature we have now made interaction with delegates even easier.

As an event organiser (org owner/admin or event moderator/speaker), when a delegate asks a question in the event chat, click on the 3dots beside the delegates question and click 'add to Q&A'. This will add these questions to the Q&A tab within the event. It makes Q&A at the end really easy as you can see the best questions at a glance. When ready to work through Q&A at the end click on 'start Q&A' and the first question will appear at the bottom of the screen. To move to the next question click next or you can choose the order from within the Q&A tab. Just click the play button next to the question to promote it.

At the end of the event, if you want, you can then 'create a Q&A thread'

This will show on your organisations profile page under threads

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